
Showing posts from April 16, 2015

God will never forsake you!!

I was seeking for answers to my questions..... Since, two three days I could feel Abba (Jesus) being away from me. I was going through a very bad time. 14th April 2015, night I cried out loud... I said.... Abba (Jesus) I am seeking for the answers to my questions. I don't understand your plans and your moves for my life. I could sense you are going away from me.... I cried out loud..... During my bad times loads of verses were coming my way, some of them are mentioned below: Verse 1: Philippians 1:29 "For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him." This was the very first verse I received two weeks ago early morning. I thought, I am all set to suffer for Him. Bring it on!! Because, now when I have tasted the glory of God, I can never return back and look back. But God planned something for me. This was a test for me. That very day I got a news that something very important was taken away from me. I had