
खुद की खुद से बातें

खुद को खुद की बातें बताकर देखो।  आईना निहारकर खुद को टटोलकर तो देखो। संसार के रोशन - बेरोशन दीपक तो खूब निहारे , अब ज़रा अंतर्मन की ज्योत को जलाकर तो देखो।  दुनिया की भीड़ में तो टहल लिए खूब, जनाब ज़रा खुद के साथ भी तो घूमने जाकर देखो।  आंको कि इसकी, उसकी, तेरी, मेरी करते करते क्या क्या खो दिया तुमने, अब जो खो दिया है उसको पाकर तो देखो।  बेशक छीना है! और होगा रस्म-ए-दुनिया ने तुमसे, अब ज़रा अपना अंतस भी तो संवार कर देखो।  लगा ली खूब दौड़ भेद सी चाल में तुमने, अब ज़रा दौड़कर खुद में वापस आ कर तो देखो।  देखो कि क्या खोया क्या पाया तुमने, जो खोया है वो पाकर और जो पाया है उसे संवारकर तो देखो।  खुद को खुद कि बातें बताकर तो देखो। -इतिषा दुबे 

God will never forsake you!!

I was seeking for answers to my questions..... Since, two three days I could feel Abba (Jesus) being away from me. I was going through a very bad time. 14th April 2015, night I cried out loud... I said.... Abba (Jesus) I am seeking for the answers to my questions. I don't understand your plans and your moves for my life. I could sense you are going away from me.... I cried out loud..... During my bad times loads of verses were coming my way, some of them are mentioned below: Verse 1: Philippians 1:29 "For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him." This was the very first verse I received two weeks ago early morning. I thought, I am all set to suffer for Him. Bring it on!! Because, now when I have tasted the glory of God, I can never return back and look back. But God planned something for me. This was a test for me. That very day I got a news that something very important was taken away from me. I had

Amazing Love of Jesus (Abba)

He'll be with you more than a friend, Than a friend would himself. He'll give you more than the life. Than the life would itself. He'll come to you, whenever you call Him. He'll be your strength. He'll work out magics for you, He'll be your refuge. When in pain, He'll heal you. When you cry, He'll lead you to peace. When in doubt, He'll answer you. When you happy, He'll rejoice. When in dark, He'll be your light. When you commit sin, He'll show you the right way. But no, He'll never leave alone... No never, He'll leave you alone. If you trust Him, your soul will be glorified. If you don't, He'll still be with you. Choose what you want to.... Amazing love of Jesus we are blessed with.. In return He expects nothing. Happy Easter :)

My Lord Jesus

Born from a virgin's womb, lying in manger bed, Was a humble and worthy lamb of God. He'll be the Saviour and has to deal with strife. Just to give you and me an everlasting life. All this was going to happen only because.... God so loved the world, That He gave His only son to be the light. And will be named Jesus, while he will be circumcised. But after all this He will be crucified. Behold, because He will rise again third day, And then.... He will be the way, the path and the faith of life. He will be the king, and then His kingdom will have no end. Jesus.. Holy is the name, holy are You. My words can never be enough to thank you, For everything You did and everything You are doing for me. No, nothing would be enough even if I fall upon my knee. I was a lost creature, struggling for peace on this earth. Till I found You, and was blessed with a new birth. You became my path, You became my guide. Your words taught me living a righteous life. And now You

For a Great Friend... A special goodbye...... :)

You have been a great friend, And you will be till the end. I am happy that I met you, And glad that I got to know you. I remember the first time we met, Just a formal "Hi" was all we said. And now, we share our smiles, We wipe each others' tears, Feels like we have been together since years. You know all my secrets and I know all of yours, Even the surprise plans for each other we used to disclose. All those moments we spend together, Good or bad, happy or sad, Will be saved right inside our heart. All those moments spend with you were great, Now the time has come to separate. It's time for our future, which is in our hands, Having so many dreams and so many plans. Wishing you all the success in your life, May you stand in future shining bright. Then we will meet again someday, Reaching pur goals and living our dreams. Therefore today, I won't ask you to stay, Go ahead!! Fly like a kite, Coz, you deserve to be in lime light. And now it

I am in love

We only shared a fleeting glimpse.. Never caught each other's eye.. And now we are special for each other.. Fate has told me why?? It has been long.. Looking into each other's eyes and smiling. :) Just a smile of you makes my world amazing.. This surge of emotions, for sure has some meaning. I wasn't sure whether I am thinking right, But my doubt was clear that particular night.. We both met and it rained.. It was actually blessings of God that we gained. But this is not so easy.. For there are times when my thoughts go hazy.. Compelled by the situation, I think a lot.. Which is making me crazy. Now when I've realized what I feel.. All I need is to look at your face.. All I need us to look at you smile.. All I need is to look into your mind.. And understand what you feel deep inside. But... If, if I ever have guts to say it to you, I imagine, how would you feel?? I wonder if, if I'd ever get to be with you.. The way I am willing to. These t

"Une femme"

She is the one, who gives you life, She is the one whom you expect to become a wife. She becomes a mother, she is a friend. She is the one to take carefor you till the end. She sacrifices; she puts herself in pain, Still she smiles and of course has to look over all your complaints. She’s raped, she’s tortured and she’s abused, Told her she is nothing and will always be used. She was a sweet baby, when she was born, But at the age of fourteen, her clothes were muscularly torn. She was a delicate girl when she became a wife, And now, all she deals is strife. She is a human as you and me, I consider she ought to have the same liberty. She has the right to live the way she wants, She has the right to set her soul free. She thinks twice before she wears a skirt, Because of those mind that’s full of dirt. She can’t wear what she wants, Because of fellow men’s eyes that haunts. Is this not really very unfair? Yes of course, it is. It’s an act of injustice, I sole